本レポートは2020年10月8日に発刊致しました「2020年版 リチウムイオン電池部材市場の現状と将来展望~正極材編~1st Half Report」の英訳版レポートになります。

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Purpose:To thoroughly investigate the current status and future strategies of 6 major lithium-ion batteries (LiB) cathode material manufacturers in Japan, Korea, China, Europe, and conduct peripheral surveys to know the current status and future prospects of the global LiB cathode material market.
Target (based on direct interview):Cathode material manufacturers(Chinese: 2, Japanese: 1, Korean: 2, European : 1)
Method of research:Bibliographic survey and interviews conducted by our expert researchers
Period:May. 2020 - Sep. 2020


  • 本レポートは2020年10月8日に発刊致しました「2020年版 リチウムイオン電池部材市場の現状と将来展望~正極材編~1st Half Report」の英訳版レポートになります。
  • 2020年版1st Half Reportではコロナウイルスの影響等によるLiB市場動向を踏まえ、日系、韓国、中国、欧州の正極材メーカーの取り組み状況、部材トレンド等に着目
  • 正極材の市場価格動向を掲載
  • タイプ別(民生小型セル/中大型セル)正極材市場規模(2016~2025年予測)を算出
  • 世界主要正極材メーカー生産能力一覧を掲載(2016~2020年計画)
  • 世界主要正極材メーカー各社の動向を掲載
  • 民生小型セル市場(2016~2025年予測、アプリケーション別)、車載用セル市場(2016~2025年、2030年、セルタイプ別)の情報も併せて収録


Chapter 1: The LiB Market
Chapter 2: The LiB Market
Chapter 3: Cathode Material Market Trends


Summary of Research

Chapter 1: The LiB Market

1-1: The Market of Small LiBs for Consumer Applications
  1-1-1. Small LiB Market Trends of Each Application
  Table: Transition of the shipment of small LiBs of
  each application (battery capacity)
  Table: Transition of the shipment of small LiBs of
  each application (number of cells)
  Table: Transition of the shipment of small LiBs of
  each application (shipment value)
  Figure: Breakdown of "Others" - Small LiBs in 2019
  (number of cells)
  1-1-2. Small LiB Market Trends of Each Cell Type
  Table: Transition of the shipment of small LiBs of
  each cell type (battery capacity)
  Table: Transition of the shipment of small LiBs of
  each cell type (number of cells)
  Table: Transition of the shipment of small LiBs of
  each cell type (shipment value)
  1-1-3. Transition of the Shares of Small LiB Manufacturers
  Table: Transition of the Shares of Small LiB Manufacturers
  (battery capacity)
  Table: Transition of the Shares of Small LiB Manufacturers
  (number of cells)
  Table: Transition of the Shares of Small LiB Manufacturers
  (shipment value)

Chapter 2: The LiB Market

2-1: The Market of xEV batteries
  2-1-1. The Market of xEV batteries
  Table: Transition of the xEV battery (Ni-MH/LiB) market scale
  (market-based forecast standard: capacity/value:
  CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
  2-1-2. The xEV battery Market Trends of Each Battery Shape
  Table: Transition of the global xEV battery
  (cylidrical/prismatic/laminated) market scale
  (market-based forecast standard: CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
  2-1-3. The Shares of xEV battery Manufacturers
  Table: Transition of the shares of xEV battery manufacturers
  (shipment base: CY2017~CY2019)

Chapter 3: Cathode Material Market Trends

3-1: Entire Cathode Material Market
  3-1-1. Overview of the Cathode Material Market
  Table: Transition of the global market scale of LiB cathode
  materials (volume-based: 2016~2025 forecast)
  Table: Transition of the global market scale of LiB cathode
  materials (value-based: 2016~2025 forecast)
  Table: Transition of reference selling price range of cathode
  3-1-2. The Cathode Material Market Trends of Each Cell Size
  (small cells/mid-to-large cells)
  Table: Transition of the global LiB cathode material
  market scale of each cell size (small cells/mid-to-large cells)
  (volume-based: 2016~2025)
  Table: Transition of the global LiB cathode material
  market scale of each cell size (small cells/mid-to-large cells)
  (value-based: 2016~2025)
  3-1-3. Transition of Production Capacity of Major Cathode
  Material Manufacturers
  Table: List of production bases and transition of
  annual production capacity of major cathode material
  manufacturers ①~⑥
  3-1-4. Transition of the Shares of Cathode Material Manufacturers
  Table: Transition of the shares of LiB cathode material
  manufacturers (volume-based: 2016~2019)
  Table: Transition of the shares of LiB cathode material
  manufacturers (value-based: 2016~2019)
  3-1-5. Transition of the Shares of Cathode Materials of Each Country
  Table: Transition of the shares of LiB cathode material
  manufacturers of each country (volume-based: 2016~2019)
  Table: Transition of the shares of LiB cathode material
  manufacturers of each country (value-based: 2016~2019)
  3-1-6. Trends of Major LiB Cathode Material Manufacturers
  Table: Trends of major LiB cathode material manufacturers ①
  Table: Trends of major LiB cathode material manufacturers ②

3-2: NCM Market
  3-2-1. Overview of the NCM Market
  Table: Transition of global NCM market scale
  (volume/value: 2016~2025 forecast)
  3-2-2. NCM Shipment Trends of Each Cell Size
  (small cells/mid-to-large cells)
  Table: Transition of the global NCM market scale of each cell size
  (small cells/mid-to-large cells) (volume-based: 2016~2019)
  3-2-3. Transition of the Shares of NCM Manufacturers
  Table: Transition of the shares of LiB ternary cathode material
  (NCM) manufacturers (volume-based: 2016~2019)
  Table: Transition of the shares of LiB ternary cathode material
  (NCM) manufacturers (value-based: 2016~2019)
  Figure: Breakdown of "Others“ - NCM manufacturers in 2019
  3-2-4. Transition of Production Capacity of Major NCM Manufacturers
  Table: List of production bases and transition of annual
  production capacity of major NCM manufacturers ①~③
  3-2-5. NCM Development Trends
  Figure: NCM market of each type (2018~2019:
  based on shipment volume)

3-3: LCO Market
  3-3-1. Overview of the LCO Market
  Table: Transition of global LCO market scale
  (volume/value: 2016~2025 forecast)
  3-3-2. LCO Shipment Trends of Each Cell Size
  (small cells/mid-to-large cells)
  Table: Transition of the global LCO market scale of each cell size
  (small cells/mid-to-large cells) (volume-based: 2016~2019)
  3-3-3. Transition of the Shares of LCO Manufacturers
  Table: Transition of the shares of lithium cobalt oxide (LCO)
  manufacturers (volume-based: 2016~2019)
  Table: Transition of the shares of lithium cobalt oxide (LCO)
  manufacturers (value-based: 2016~2019)
  3-3-4. Transition of Production Capacity of Major LCO Manufacturers
  Table: List of production bases and transition of
  annual production capacity of major LCO manufacturers ①, ②

3-4: NCA Market
  3-4-1. Overview of the NCA Market
  Table: Transition of global NCA market scale
  (volume/value: 2016~2025 forecast)
  3-4-2. NCA Shipment Trends of Each Cell Size
  (small cells/mid-to-large cells)
  Table: Transition of the global NCA market scale of each cell size
  (small cells/mid-to-large cells) (volume-based: 2016~2019)
  3-4-3. Transition of the Shares of NCA Manufacturers 
  Table: Transition of the shares of lithium nickel oxide (NCA)
  manufacturers (volume-based: 2016~2019)
  Table: Transition of the shares of lithium nickel oxide (NCA)
  manufacturers (value-based: 2016~2019)
  3-4-4. Transition of Production Capacity of Major NCA Manufacturers
  Table: List of production bases and transition of
  annual production capacity of major NCA manufacturers

3-5: LFP Market
  3-5-1. Overview of the LFP Market
  Table: Transition of global LFP market scale
  (volume/value: 2016~2025 forecast)
  3-5-2. LFP Shipment Trends of Each Cell Size
  (small cells/mid-to-large cells)
  Table: Transition of the global LFP market scale of
  each cell size (small cells/mid-to-large cells)
  (volume-based: 2016~2019)
  3-5-3. Transition of the Shares of LFP Manufacturers
  Figure: The share of LFP manufacturers in 2019
  3-5-4. Transition of Production Capacity of Major LFP Manufacturers
  Table: List of production bases and transition of
  annual production capacity of major LFP manufacturers

3-6: LMO Market
  3-6-1. Overview of the LMO Market
  Table: Transition of global LMO market scale
  (volume/value: 2016~2025 forecast)
  3-6-2. LMO Shipment Trends of Each Cell Size
  (small cells/mid-to-large cells)
  Table: Transition of the global LMO market scale of each cell size
  (small cells/mid-to-large cells) (volume-based: 2016~2019)
  3-6-3. Transition of the Shares of LMO Manufacturers
  3-6-4. Transition of Production Capacity of Major LMO Manufacturers
  Table: List of production bases and transition of
  annual production capacity of major LMO manufacturers



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