VTuber Market in Japan 2023 - Summary of Market Analysis and Consumer Survey

Originating from Kizuna AI that first appeared in 2016, VTubers who stream their videos in their “Anime”-like character appearances (avatars) are an emerging method to express themselves. Today, after COVID-19 crisis during when at-home video viewing demand surged, they have rapidly grown to give an enormous economic impact, reflected by two major VTuber offices, ANYCOLOR Inc. and COVER Corporation being listed.
The report “VTuber Market 2023 (Market Survey)” analyzes the characteristics and size of the VTuber market.
“VTuber Market 2023 (Consumer Survey)” reports the survey to those who responded that they were interested in VTubers (the survey called them as “VTuber fans”.) It includes the analysis of our unique perspectives to understand their realities and their viewing statuses of VTuber Videos.

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VTubers are an emerging method to express themselves, triggered by the advent of Kizuna AI, who have first appeared in December 2016 and originated the term “VTuber” to call herself, i.e., a video streamer in her “Anime”-like character appearance (avatar). A surge in demand for at-home video viewing at the time of behavioral restrictions amid the COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly raised the popularity of VTubers even to give high impact to the economy.
This report analyzes the basic information on what special characteristics VTubers have in terms of business when compared to similar markets, and includes profit-making models, and VTuber market size transitions.

Research Period
February to June 2023

Research Methodology
Face-to-face interviews to concerned businesses, questionnaire, survey by phones, literature research, and research through our original materials.

Research Objects
This report defines VTubers or Virtual YouTubers as the video content streamers on video platforms such as YouTube and correspond to following conditions: 1) Perform in videos in anime-style avatars, playing the role as new, unique characters made up, not the characters of the persons acting, or of the avatars, 2) the characters have both the aspects of influencers and intellectual property (IP). Upon the above definition, the market has been categorized into following four categories by monetization method: 1) Livestreaming, 2) Events, 3) Merchandise sales, and 4) B2B services. The market sizes have been calculated based on the sales at companies operating VTuber management offices and projects.


  • Thorough commentary on the attention gaining VTuber industry from the aspect of profit structure.
  • A unique online survey report targeting VTubers.
  • Questionnaire conducted to the fans of virtual YouTubers (the survey called them “VTubers”) who have achieved rapid growth.
  • Clarified the realities of VTuber fans across platforms and productions.
  • Surveyed on the affinity between metaverse and VTuber fans.


I VTuber Market in Japan 2023 - Summary of Market Analysis

1.Research Outline 
2.Research Results
ⅰ. VTuber Market Size
  1 Scope of VTuber Market
  2.Categorization of VTuber Market
  3.Market Size Transition
  Reference: Peripheral Markets)
ⅱ. Trend of Livestreaming Segment
  1.Market Definition
  3.Market Trend
iii. Trend of Event Segment
  1.Market Definition
  3.Market Trend
ⅳ. Trend of Merchandise Sales Segment
  1.Market Definition
  3.Market Trend
v. Trend of B2B Service Segment
  1.Market Definition
  3.Market Trend

II VTuber Market in Japan 2023 - Consumer Survey

1.Research Outline
i. Appearance Rate of “VTuber Fan”
1. Results of appearance rate analysis by sex and by age group:
 For male, the appearance has been observed in a certain level for all age group from 15 to 39, while appearance markedly drops in female from the age group between 25 and 29 or upward.
ii. Viewing by “VTuber Fans”
1. Results of analysis on VTuber viewing commencement period:
 Initiators of viewing VTubers have increased from 2017, triggered by the advent of “Kizuna AI”, the creator of the term “VTuber”.
2. Analysis of frequency for viewing videos on VTubers:
 Those VTuber fans viewing VTuber videos more than three times a week occupy 61.3%, indicating a majority of VTuber fans seem to have made it a habit.
3. Analysis of VTuber-supporting activities:
 Majority of VTuber fans enjoy viewing by having their favorite VTubers.
4. Awareness rate analysis for VTuber management offices:
 Overwhelming awareness has been observed for “Nijisanji” and “Hololive”, while “VSPO!” and “Aogiri High School” also known by a majority of fans.
5. Analysis of streamed forms of videos to watch (livestreamed or clipped):
 Both forms have been robustly popular.
iii. Spending Conditions by VTuber Fans
1. Spending rate on VTuber-related items during the past year:
 20-30% of entire VTuber fans have spent 1 yen or more on each of VTuber related items.
2. VTuber-related expenditure for the past year:
 While there are many VTuber fans who have not paid even a yen on VTuber-related items, those VTuber fans, who have responded that they have spent a yen or more, are generous.
iv. VTuber Survey on Affinity with Metaverse
1. Status of playing games that have the metaverse-like characteristics:
 When compared to other respondents, VTuber fans tend to play games with the metaverse-like characteristics.
2. Interest in features available in the games with metaverse-like characteristics:
 VTuber fans apt to have high interests in the areas of high affinity with VTubers such as virtual events and avatar production.
3. Status of utilizing social media with the metaverse-like features:
 VTuber fans use those social media with the metaverse-like characteristics by 27 times more than general Japanese people.


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